So it's the morning of your Wedding...your supposed-to-be Wedding!
If you're reading this, you're most likely to have had your 2020 wedding date affected by the Corona Virus Pandemic and the fact that we're now living in a Socially Distanced/Locked Down world.
With still so much uncertainty as to when couples will be able to actually have the Wedding of their dreams, we're seeing more and more couples celebrating their love from home and sharing their 2020 wedding days in pure lockdown style. Coming together with their loved ones via streaming services such as Zoom and Facetime and bridging the physical social gap caused by this awful virus with a Plugged In wedding.
If you're choosing to have a Plugged In Wedding during lockdown, here's some fun ideas for what to do on the morning of your big day. Whether you're bridal-prepping with your Bae, or Facetiming your Bridesmaids whilst you get yourselves ready and GORGEOUS, I'm hoping this blogpost will give you some inspiration on how to make the most of your morning.
Treat yourselves to your favourite breakfast.
(And leave the washing up til tomorrow!)
Have your absolute favourite breakfast, naughty or nice. Grazing tables are our absolute fave (even though we can only share with our household members now!) because you literally get to pick all of your favourite foods and whack them on one big platter.

I mean you could totally be healthy like this, but it's your wedding day...if you want donuts for breakfast then that's totally fine by us, too.
Start the day off well with some good food and you'll be well and truly set to party in full form for the rest of the day.
Light a scented candle. Take a relaxing bath. Treat your skin and hair. Settle your mind.
What better way to follow a hearty breakfast than to give yourself a little at-home spa treatment? We love nothing more than a pamper session and we think that your would-be wedding morning should be the perfect excuse to take an hour to really indulge yourself in some of your favourite treatments. Here's some of our fave eco friendly products that we at Adamapple like to use.
(I don't think the boys were into giving their in depth recommendations as much as the girls were...sorry about that!)
"I love a LUSH bath-bomb. I literally look forward to having a soak in a glitter filled, lovely smelling bath. One of my favourites is the "GODDESS" bath bomb which smells like Jasmine and Sandalwood. You leave the bath sparkling, too which is always amazing."
"We worked with Jade and Josh from Tilda's Tribe earlier in the year and they sent us some of their handmade Goat's Milk soap. I fell in love with this Poppy Seed and Peppermint scented soap. Its gently exfoliating and really invigorates the skin with the peppermint tingle. They make soap wedding favours too!"
"My favourite face mask is this Clay mask from Blushberry Botanicals. It smells so good. You know I'm all about eco-friendly products and this company use all natural, vegan ingredients in their skincare and they send in minimal, recyclable packaging, too which is great."
"This leaves my beard feeling soft and Jen says it smells really good. Win-win."
"I think this is the only beauty product I own apart from some Remington beard trimmers which I bought when I was 17. It's good though."
FaceTime your gang.
Whilst you are getting ready, why not Facetime/Zoom some of your faves. Get the Bridesmaids/Groomsmen together for a good old chinwag (and maybe a couple of glasses of Prosecco, or your tipple of choice) while you try on your outfit and accessories. Sure, they wont be able to help button up your dress or tie your dickie bow but they will be there for moral support at least. Or to screenshot any embarrassing moment they can, ready to post on social media...
Joking aside, we all know that getting ready with friends and a drink or two is super fun. Organise a time and everyone can get ready for your big day together.
Follow some makeup tutorials.
Be your own makeup artist! The amount of time I spend watching makeup tutorials online is something I don't really care to admit. Especially because I then proceed to wear the same makeup look every day that I have done for the past ten years... Who's with me?
Maybe today is the day to try something new? Even just picking up a few tips from some beauty 'gurus' online is a sure fire way of making your makeup feel different to your regular go-to look.
Here are some of our favourite wedding inspired looks from YouTube.
Victoria, in the first video, is one of our lovely customers and used Adamapple Confetti for her gorgeous Wedding in the South of France last year.
(We actually named her bespoke mix after her blog/YouTube name - Frow In Love!)
And then maybe try out a hair hack.
Your makeup AND hair can be on point! Or, we can try at least... We've had a cheeky peruse of YouTube for you to find some simple DIY hairstyles you can try out for the day.
Practise your vows.
The best thing about a lockdown wedding is the fact that you can say and do whatever you want, whenever you want. Think of it as your first practise run of your actual big day. Who would have thought you would ever get a proper chance of trialling your own wedding day? Make the most of it and practise your vows. Or if they're going to be a surprise for your proper wedding day, why not think up something different which can be separate from your real vows? Keep it traditional or add a bit of cheek and humour into them, you can do whatever you want! Plan with your Bae to each write a new set of vows especially for your Plugged In Wedding and surprise each other later in the day with what you've written.
Play your favourite songs.
Have fun! The day is yours. Forget any household chores, ignore social media for an hour before you start your virtual connections, take the time to enjoy each others company alone. Play your favourite songs; the ones that make you laugh, the ones that make you cry, the ones that were played on your first date.
Make sure the camera isn't rolling (or maybe make sure it is, it's up to you!) and dance like nobody is watching.
Start the day as you mean for it to go on, full of smiles, energy, positivity and happiness. Maybe take a few hours the evening before compiling a playlist of your favourite songs on Spotify. You can play it in the background for your evening celebrations without having to worry about who's going to play the role of DJ.
(FYI. Just make sure to avoid playing music if you are live streaming your Plugged In wedding on Instagram or Facebook because playing copyrighted music runs the risk of your live video being cut off without warning!)
Look on the bright side.
We spoke to Becky from Celebrant Ceremonies by Becky who gave us some words of wisdom which we thought we should share.
"You are now part of history. There is a story behind your original date. During your wedding ceremony, you can incorporate your story – how you met, who proposed to who, the things you adore about each other and the things that drive you mad! COVID-19 is now part of every one’s story and I think having two dates to celebrate every year is pretty unique.
Many couples are also facing the possibility of looking for a new venue or suppliers. Now, I know this wasn’t what you had originally planned but let’s take the lemons we’ve been given and turn it into lemonade. You now have extra time to stop and really think about what you want."
Keep positive. Shed a little tear if you need to, but then think how lucky you are to be able to be with the love of your life right now, to have another chance and a lot more time to make your wedding to be absolutely perfect. Love is patient. So are you.
The Ultimate Guide For Planning A Wedding During the Corona Virus Pandemic
We're all in this together. Have your 2020 Plugged In Wedding, your way. You'll have one heck of a wedding story to tell!
Celebrate now, party later.
Make sure to subscribe to our mailing list so you are notified when we update this blog with new ideas for organising a Plugged In Wedding. We can't wait to see your VIRTUAL HOORAY moments!