"Autumnal" Dried Flower Bouquet M | ADAMAPPLE
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"Autumnal" Dried Flower Bouquet M

"Autumnal" Dried Flower Bouquet M


These dried flower bouquets are absolutely beautiful as a bouquet in its own right to bring some Autumnal Vibes into your home, as bridesmaid bouquet or a gift.


Each bouquet is created by hand in our studio using only the prettiest stems.


They are wrapped beautiful packaging before being placed in a box for delivery.


These bouquets really are a thing of beauty.


Included with your bouquet is a beautiful card note that will contain the message of your choice, just let us know what you would like to say.


Our dried flowers are sourced here in the UK.


Bouquets that are purchased as a gift will be sent without an invoice included.


The full height of each bouquet is approx 40-45cm, the length of the stems from the tie downwards are around 15cm and the diameter of the handle is around 4cm. Each bouquet is unique as they are handmade so please bear in mind that there may be some slight variations on these measurements.


Please note : Orders of multiple bouquets will be combined and sent in 1 postage box to in order to combine postage charges, if you require each bouquet to have its own postage box, please make multiple orders which will each incur a postage charge.


As all our products are made to order, we are unable to offer a next day delivery or bring forward delivery times, please bear this in mind prior to placing your order.


Dried Flowers | Flowers for delivery in the UK | Flowers by post


    Our dispatch times can vary depending on the time of year and how long it takes us to prepare your order. Keep an eye out for your dispatch email.

    We aim to send all orders out within 3-5 working days, delivery time is in addition to this.

    You have the option to choose between the options below.

    Standard Delivery - Royal Mail, Scanned on delivery. Our Royal Mail delivery service is a 2-5 working day delivery. Each parcel has a unique QR code which is scanned on delivery using a GPS device which means we can confirm delivery of your parcel. This is not a fully tracked service and you will not recieve text or email updates.

    Carbon Neutral - The Eco Choice. DPD, Fully tracked next day delivery service. This service provides you with text updates, you can even track the delivery of your order using an interactive map. If you wish to reschedule your delivery you can select an alternative delivery date, deliver to a nominated neighbour, have your parcel left in a specified safe place or collect the parcel from your local DPD Pickup Shop.

    Urgent orders - Please contact before ordering by phoning the studio mon-fri 9-3 if there is 1 week or less before your wedding. We will be able to advise you if we can take your order. If we are able to take your order, there may be an additional charge to expidite it depending on the products you choose and the time it will take to prepare your order.

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