Natural Dried Pink Spray Roses
Our Natural Pink Dried Spray Roses are absolutely stunning. Each Bunch is around 60cm long, choose between a single stem or a bunch of 10 stems, each stem contains multiple flowers.
Dried flowers are going to be seen much more over the next few years both in wedding design and for use around the home.
For so long couples have had to make the choice between the beauty of fresh flowers or the convenience of silk. This is changing! Create your own dried flower bouquet, use in your wedding design or simply have these beautiful Dried Pink Roses in a vase at home.
The most amazing thing about dried flowers is that they sit so beautifully besides fresh flowers. Even if you choose a fresh flower bouquet you can still use dried flowers for buttonholes and decoration and better still, you will be able to keep your dried flowers for years to come.
Dried Flowers are 100% natural these particular flowers are Dutch they are sowed in spring and harvested in summer when the bloom is at its best. After the harvest the flowers are dried in drying rooms. Our growers have more than 35 years of experience and are experts in the production of dried flowers.
Dried Flowers are more sustainble than fresh cut flowers, due to their long shelf life and low energy transport and storage. The result is that dried flowers will have a significantly lower carbon footprint than fresh and silk flowers.
Please note that although we take great care to photograph and describe all of our flowers, when purchasing natural products there will always be some variation in colour as there is in nature. It is impossible to match colour exactly with a colour scheme although we do try to offer you as much selection as possible. Colours will also display differently on computer screens / mobile devices so please take this in to consideration when purchasing.
Dried Pink Roses | Dried Flowers | Dried Flower Bouquet