"Whimsy" Rose Dried Flower Bouquet L
This beautiful Dried Flower Hand Tied Bouquet has been created at our Lancashire studio using beautiful dried stems to give you a bouquet that will last for years and look pretty as a statement in your home for years after your big day.
This bouquet is our Large and is suited to either an Adult Bridesmaid or Bride
This bouquet measures approx 35cm in height, the diameter of the handle is 3cm and the width across the spray is 20cm.
Included in each bouquet is
Dried Gypsophila
Preserved Roses
Each bouquet is unique, created by hand in our studio.
The bouquets are tied with jute twine and finished with a bow, we carefully wrap each bouquet in tissue paper and beautiful packaging before being placed in a box for delivery.
These bouquets really are a thing of beauty. All our bouquets are hand made to order so please leave at least 2-3 weeks for delivery. We recommend ordering at least 3 months in advance.
We also have matching buttonholes and bouquets in this range.
Whimsy Bride | Dried Flower Bouquet | Florist Blackpool